Bridget was born and raised in South Africa. With a background in marketing, she has worked for global companies such as General Motors Europe and Dow Chemicals. Her life’s journey has taken her to six different countries, each experience enriching her cultural and professional perspectives.

Bridget’s primary passions have always been music, dance, and children. She started learning various instruments at an early age and has incorporated this into teaching young children through music and movement. This passion also led her to teach English as a second language in London, India, and now Germany. She has worked in preschools in America, India, and Germany.

Bridget is trained in ballet, modern dance, Spanish dance, and Indian dance. This fusion of cultural dance styles not only reflects her adaptability but also her deep appreciation for the arts.

In addition to teaching music and English as a second language, Bridget’s journey demonstrates her dedication to lifelong learning, cultural exchange, and the joy of movement. This passion led her to Link n Learn, where she is thrilled to be part of the team.

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Bridget Frei

Music / Dance
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