Practice good hygiene

Stop hand shakes and use non-contact greeting methods

Clean hands at the door and schedule regular hand washing reminders

We constantly disinfect surfaces like doorknobs, tables, and desks regularly

Avoid touching your face and cover your coughs and sneezes

Increase ventilation by opening windows and using ventilators

Other Steps we will be taking


Each child and parent will have an accurately measured area in the classroom


All our teachers will be wearing plastic face- shields for everyone’s safety, including theirs


Any socializing is encouraged to take place outside with a safe distance


Parents are requested to please wear a mask when joining in class with their children


Temperature will be measured upon arrival


Bathrooms will be limited to 2 parents and 2 children at a time


There will be NO shared snacks, drinks or objects/instruments/toys during the classes, before and after

Stay home if…

  • You are feeling sick
  • You have a sick family member at home

Take care of your emotional and mental well-being

Outbreaks are a stressful and anxious time for everyone. We’re here to support you!Reach out to us!!!

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