Janice is originally from South Africa where she spent her formative years and developed a passion for movement and sport.
At school she played competitive tennis and squash, competing at a provincial level in squash.
After school, she went on to study at Stellenbosch University where she received her Bachelor’s degree in Financial Accounting. From there she moved to London where she lived and worked for 12 years. From there together with her husband and 2 young boys they moved to India.
Having always maintained an active lifestyle continuing to play sports and joining the gym going masses whilst still in high school, it was in India that she decided to once again deeply reconnect with movement. Having 2 young children also motivated and drove her passion to learn and understand the importance of movement and development in young kids. She earned her yoga certificates to teach both adults and children in India. Functional movement is very much what drives her, mums who can safely pick up their children rather than make themselves into a pretzel and wrap their leg around their head 3 times.
Also, the importance that movement plays in the development of very young children long before they can walk or run is fundamental to their success not only in school but in life. Giving your child the gift of body awareness and movement is one of the most important gifts you can give a child.
Sensory involves more than the 5 senses that so many are familiar with. It is the development of the vestibular and proprioception systems that are crucial to successful development. However, with the increasingly sedentary lifestyle and the lack of opportunity for children to move these 2 senses are not developed to the extent that they should be. Resulting in poor behavior in school, inability to concentrate in the classroom along with many other social challenges.
It is this love of movement and passion to see little humans developing to their full potential that drives Janice and the classes that she designs.